
Welcome to The Sword in the Stone: A Blog by Chris Kenny

The story of Excalibur is a tale of duty and destiny, telling of a sword in a stone that can only be pulled and wielded by its rightful owner.  The Sword in the Stone is a medieval metaphor for the purpose that lies in all of us. For a young Arthur pulling Excalibur from its stone when no one else could, that divine purpose was being heir to the throne, to becoming who he was destined to be: King Arthur.

Identifying that true purpose inside all of us is the first step to being successful: find your purpose first and then figure out how to accomplish it. As a family business owner in Delaware invested in my community’s success, my focus on positive leadership qualities, constant learning and ongoing personal improvement shape every achievement I’ve experienced. It is time I share the stories, insights and experiences that have led to the successes in my life.

Since joining the Delaware online community six months ago, I have received an outpouring of messages from people all across the state. Your voices, thoughts and opinions are important to me, so when creating my personal website, I knew I needed a section to share with the community my personal experiences and lessons learned along the way. That section is this blog.

Welcome to The Sword in the Stone, where I will candidly share accounts from my life that have shaped who I am today. Hopefully this blog is inspiring to you as the story of Excalibur is to me.

I created this blog to publish my personal insights for entrepreneurs, civic leaders and all citizens of Delaware. It is so important our future entrepreneurs and community leaders understand there is not one path to success; sharing my own personal path and experiences is my attempt to illustrate this essential truth. Most imperative to success are the foundational traits within each of us and how we call on them as opportunities and challenges arise. We all have the groundwork for success inside of us: you just have to know how to bring it out, and we all have our own devices and strategies for building upon those foundations to achieve our dreams.

“Success means you are happy and joyous in whatever you are endeavoring to do whether that be work, family, play, anything. If you are happy and joyous then you are successful.

If you have $1 billion and you are unhappy, you are not successful. If you have all the records in all of the record books and you are unhappy, you’re not successful.

Happiness = Success”

“Success means you are happy and joyous in whatever you are endeavoring to do whether that be work, family, play, anything. If you are happy and joyous then you are successful.

If you have $1 billion and you are unhappy, you are not successful. If you have all the records in all of the record books and you are unhappy, you’re not successful.

Happiness = Success”

I crave learning new ways to attack problems and achieve goals. I am constantly drawing upon various teachings and knowledge I have acquired throughout my life, from learning important principles of integrity and leadership while attending Valley Forge Military Academy to studying self-defense and strategy through martial arts and reading Eastern Philosophers like Sun Tzu.

We are multifaceted people and so too will be The Sword in the Stone. On this blog I will share personal stories, insight and adventures. I will share thoughts and analyses on my just-launched Delaware Hotline too, in my effort to capture in real-time the issues that matter to the Delaware people most. And I’ll be giving you a little medieval flare along the way because what are good stories and insights without a little personality?

Six months ago I didn’t know I’d be on the internet, on social media and certainly not with my own personal blog and hotline. Life’s winding roads are interesting like that sometimes, and here we are, so thank you for tuning in. Check back on my blog soon for regular posts and updates by me, your Delaware friend Chris Kenny. In my first set of posts I will be writing about my upbringing and the often-bumpy journey I took to where I am today, from adoption and military academy to President and CEO of a successful family business.

In the meantime, please give my hotline a call or text message. I want to hear from you, Delaware: 302-223-9982.

Allison S

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  • A great start Chris. I am a huge student of productivity and very passionate about learning new ways to be productive. Could you share what tools and techniques you have found helpful in maintaining a productive day and life? I always like to hear first hand from those who have a proven record of success not just a talking head who claims to know how to do it.

  • Hey there! Congrats with this New Chapter helping to explore life and its challenges with others. I do so hope that our paths will cross soon. Best of luck, love & good fortune along the way, Chris. Best regards, Cheryl Biddle

  • Hello Chris,

    Congrats, this is such a great idea to start this blog, best of luck to you, I know you'll do a fantastic job!

    Best regards, Lenora Webb, In Her Shoes, Inc.

    • Lenora Webb - did you see that In Her Shoes is the Delaware Do-Gooder this month on Town Square Delaware? Townsquaredelaware.com was acquired this week by DelawareLive.com, which is owned by Chris Kenny.

  • Chris,
    This sounds intriguing to be sure. I think each of us has a story within and you have found momentum and platform for sharing yours, I believe in the sharing, we learn even more ourselves. I look forward to hearing more as you move into this next part of your journey. Congratulations on rising to it! Marjorie Mundy

  • Chris,
    Sharing personal experiences and stories leaves us vulnerable and exposed. Yet, it also has the power to inspire, enlighten and motivate.
    Congratulations to you for beginning this high adventure. Knowing you for all of these years gives me confidence in predicting that you will be outstanding and highly successful in this endeavor.
    All the best.

  • I loved the last line in your Blog Happiness = success. I always told my kids if you love your job it will never feel like your going to work, and you will be successful for you will be happy.

Published by
Allison S

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