Online Community Policy
In line with online and social media community standards, the Chris L Kenny website and social media pages (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter) do not tolerate the following:
• Posts that promote any type of bullying
• Posts that promote slander, defamation or libel
• Posts that promote hate speech
• Posts that promote violence and criminal behaviour
• Posts that promote spam
• Posts that contain objectionable content
• Posts that promote misleading and false news
• Inauthentic behaviour – Fake accounts and Bots
• Posts that are disrespectful in nature and contain explicit language
The consequences for violating our page’s Community Standards vary depending on the severity of the violation and the person’s history on the page. For instance, we may warn someone for a first violation and remove the post(s) in question, but if they continue to violate our policies, we may restrict their ability to post on this page or ban them from the page entirely. We also may notify law enforcement when we believe there is a genuine risk of physical harm or a direct threat to public safety.