When I started this blog The Sword in the Stone, I created it as a place to post my thoughts on various topics in addition to sharing more about my background and who I am. Since launching my website, I have been asked many great and interesting questions about my leadership role in my family’s company, so I have put …
Diversity & Leadership
In these times of tension and unrest amid an ongoing pandemic, my leadership responsibilities to my family business and the Delaware community have encouraged me to continue reflecting on how my experiences have helped develop and instill the values of equality and respect for all. As a seven-year resident of Wilmington city and advocate for community investment, I hope sharing …
Adoption, Foster Care and Selfless Service
Since launching my website and blog three weeks ago, the response has been incredible. I’ve received voicemails, text messages, emails and direct messages from people across Delaware, but one message submitted to my Delaware Hotline has really stuck with me: “Hi Chris. My name is *****. I have adopted one of your foster “brothers.” I think! Anyway, I’m really interested …
Welcome to The Sword in the Stone: A Blog by Chris Kenny
The story of Excalibur is a tale of duty and destiny, telling of a sword in a stone that can only be pulled and wielded by its rightful owner. The Sword in the Stone is a medieval metaphor for the purpose that lies in all of us. For a young Arthur pulling Excalibur from its stone when no one else …